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余民播放器 / 怀著朗读81本英文版
A Call to Medical Evangelism and Health Education医疗布道和健康教育的呼召
A Call To Stand Apart超凡脱俗
Acts of the Apostles使徒行述
Adventist Home复临信徒家庭
An Appeal to the Youth母亲写给孩子的信
Character Sketches from the Life of Daniel但以理生活中的人物速写
Child Guidance儿童教育指南
Christ in His Sanctuary基督在祂的圣所中
Christian Education基督化的教育
Christian Service基督徒服务大全
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene基督徒节制和圣经卫生
Christ’s Object Lessons基督比喻实训
Coulporteur Ministry理事长部
Counsels on Diet and Foods论饮食
Counsels on Health健康勉言
Counsels on Sabbath-School Work安息日学工作勉言
Counsels to Parents-Teachers and Students给家长、老师和学生的忠告
Counsels to Writers and Editors给作家和编辑的勉言
Country Living乡村生活
Danger in Adopting Worldly Policy in the Work of God在上帝的工作中采用世俗政策的危险
Desire of Ages历代愿望
Early Writings早期著作
Faith and Works信心与行为
Fundamentals of Christian Education基督教育原理
Gospel Workers传道良助
Great Controversy善恶之争
Healthful Living健康生活
Help in Daily Living日常生活的帮助
Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists基督复临安息日会国外布道史略
Last-Day Events末时大事记
Life Sketches怀爱伦自传
Medical Ministry医疗布道论
Mind-Character and Personality-Vol.1心理、品格与个性1
Mind-Character and Personality-Vol.2心理、品格与个性2
Ministry of Healing服务真诠
Patriarchs and Prophets先祖与先知
Promises for the Last Days对末世的应许
Prophets and Kings先知与君王
Sanctified Life成圣的人生
Selected Messages-Vol.1《信息选粹》卷一
Selected Messages-Vol.2《信息选粹》卷2
Selected Messages-Vol.3《信息选粹》卷3
Sermons and Talks-Vol.1《证道与演讲》卷一
Sermons and Talks-Vol.2《证道与演讲》卷2
Seventh-Day Adventist Bible Commentary-Volume 7A怀爱伦圣经注释
Sketches from the Life of Paul使徒保罗传
Spalding and Magan Collection斯波尔丁和马根选集
Spiritual Gifts-Vol.1《属灵的恩赐》卷一
Spiritual Gifts-Vol.2《属灵的恩赐》卷2
Spiritual Gifts-Vol.3《属灵的恩赐》卷3
Spiritual Gifts-Vol.4《属灵的恩赐》卷4
Steps to Christ喜乐的泉源
Story of Jesus耶稣的故事
Story of Redemption救赎的故事
Testimonies for the Church-Vol.1《教会证言》卷1
Testimonies for the Church-Vol.2《教会证言》卷2
Testimonies for the Church-Vol.3《教会证言》卷3
Testimonies for the Church-Vol.4《教会证言》卷4
Testimonies for the Church-Vol.5《教会证言》卷5
Testimonies for the Church-Vol.6《教会证言》卷6
Testimonies for the Church-Vol.7《教会证言》卷7
Testimonies for the Church-Vol.8《教会证言》卷8
Testimonies for the Church-Vol.9《教会证言》卷9
Testimonies on Sexual Behavior-Adultery and Divorce论性行为、通奸和离婚的证言
Testimonies to Ministers给牧师和传道人的证言
Testimony Treasures-Vol.1《证言精选》卷1
Testimony Treasures-Vol.2《证言精选》卷2
Testimony Treasures-Vol.3《证言精选》卷3
The Ellen G.White 1888 Materials1888资料集
The Madison School麦迪逊学校
The Publishing Ministry论出版工作
The Truth About Angels论天使
The Voice in Speech and Song演讲与歌唱
The Youth’s Instructor《青年导报》文章
Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing福山宝训
Welfare Ministry论慈善工作
Words of Encouragement to Self-Supporting Workers对自食其力的工人的鼓励之词